If you’re a frequent traveler then you know this scene all too well: you’re sitting in plastic seats that are only just wide enough for your body to fit in, crammed next to about 200 other people, with next to no leg room and at least one baby crying in the distance. Yup, it’s the dreaded economy class, which many travelers have to take, often. It can be uncomfortable, undesirable, and unpleasant, but you might as well make the best you can with your six-hour (or more!) flight. So here are twenty things to do on an international flight, 10 productive, and 10 not.

1. Get ahead on work
Being trapped on an airplane without the distractions of the internet is a great time to get that work done.
2. Write blog posts
Being on a long flight is the perfect opportunity to get ahead in writing blog posts! In fact, I’m on a plane as I write this.
3. Write in your journal
Writing in my travel journal daily is still something I’m working on, and the airplane ride is a great way to set aside time to do this. Writing in a journal will not only let you reminisce about your travels after you come back, it can also be great to use as inspiration for future blog posts!
4. Learn a new skill
I won a year-long subscription to Skillshare, and I highly recommend it. Skillshare is a website where teachers post in-depth video lessons. Along with the videos comes assignments from the teacher and a forum for posting your work and getting feedback from other students and the teacher. With the Skillshare app you can save entire video lessons to your phone for offline viewing, making it easy to learn new things during my plane ride.
5. Listen to a saved podcast
Podcasts, while I personally don’t listen to them, can be super helpful and educational. Simply sit back, relax (if you can), and listen to absorb the information.
6. Read a newspaper
Planes usually hand these out for free, so there’s no reason to not catch yourself up on the latest current events.
7. Get some design work done
You can edit photos you’ve already taken in Photoshop or another app, make cover images for your blog posts, use illustrator to make some great vector icons, all without the internet!
8. Write your heart out
You know that book you’ve always wanted to write? Yeah, start that now!
9. Plan out future projects
Maybe you can’t actually work on your project on a plane without internet, but I’ll bet for most projects, planning doesn’t require wi-fi. Take this time to solidify dates, make to-do lists, or anything else you need to be able to start your project as soon as this hunk of metal reaches the ground.
10. Sleep!
Despite the fact that people who sleep a lot are often perceived as lazy, sleep is actually necessary for our bodies to function properly, which is why this is in the productive section of this post. Especially since you’re likely traveling to a place with a different timezone, sleeping on the flight will probably help you be less sleepy at inopportune times when you’d much rather be out exploring a new city. Get as comfy as you can in you approximately two inch wide chair, put in some headphones, and try to catch some z’s before the flight is over.

11. Watch a movie
International flights usually have little TV screens on the back of each chair, pre-programmed with lots of movies in various languages. Have fun browsing and watching in your own mini movie theater.
12. Watch a TV show
These are also usually provided with the little TV screen, and often include a wide variety of genres.
13. Listen to your own music
Music is basically my life, so having my own music on a flight helps tune out the sound of that deep rumble you hear throughout the duration of your flight and any other obnoxious noises.
14. Discover new music
The little TV screen more often than not these days comes with the airline’s selection of music. Browse through and who knows? You might find your new favorite artist.
15. Read a book (or ebook)
It used to be such an obvious option, but I feel like tangible books have nearly been forgotten in a world of social medias and websites. Bring a real book with you to read on the plane, and lose yourself in another world.
16. Eat!
Airlines usually allow you to bring your own snacks (no fresh fruit or vegetables can go through customs though) so bring your favorite snacks to munch on during the flight.
17. Play video games
The TV screens, again, probably have at least a few games. If not, dust off the Nintendo DS (major throwback) and bring it with you! Or just download some game apps onto your phone. But really, what’s more fun?
18. Listen to an audiobook
It’s a great hands free alternative to the traditional paperback, although be warned, you might have to crank up the volume rather high to actually hear the words over the drone of the engine.
19. Play a card game
This one tends to work better if you’re traveling with someone else, however there are, of course, also games you can play by yourself. (Solitaire anyone?)
20. Browse the web
If you’re lucky enough to have internet on your flight why not?
There you have it, 20 things to do on international flights. Hopefully you at least gleaned some inspiration from this list! Which is your favorite to do? Leave your answer in the comments.
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