Prague was the first city I visited in Central Europe, and therefore, I mostly came in with no expectations. Which is why Prague absolutely blew me away. The traditional architecture, culture, and historical sites were amazing, but what intrigued me the most was the city’s alternative hipster side that I had no idea existed! The truth is, Prague is a lot cooler than most people give it credit for, and I found this exhibited a lot in their cafe scene. So here are the coolest cafes in Prague, so you can experience this amazing subculture for yourself.

Mistral Cafe
Mistral Cafe is like a bit of California in Prague. With giant windows that open up to the street, an minimalist vibe, and plants everywhere, Mistral Cafe is trendy in every way. The decor is industrial, with a hint of exposed concrete in the walls, white wire chairs, and concrete floors, but the plants liven up the space and make it feel a lot warmer. Of course, all of this decor means nothing if the food isn’t good, but rest assured, the food was some of the best that I had in all of Prague. I highly recommend the Linguine with tomatoes sauce with fresh basil and cheese grana padano; I don’t know what it was about the dish but it was absolutely phenomenal.
Café Chloé
If you’ve ever heard of El&n Cafe in London, Café Chloé has the exact same vibe. With all pink everything, trendy photo opps around every corner, and extremely photogenic food, Café Chloé is the perfect spot for any instagrammer or girly girl with a penchant for pink. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to eat here, so I can’t give my opinion on the food, but all the critics are raving, so I’d definitely check this place out!

Cathedral Cafe
Cathedral Cafe is mere minutes away from Old Town Square, yet is kind of hard to find. Tucked away in a corner with a tiny entrance, you probably wouldn’t expect much if you passed by it on the street. However, venture deeper into the restaurant and it opens up to a bright and airy courtyard space. The food was equally as good as the space, and I highly recommend their cocktails too! I ordered the gnocchi and my friends got the pear salad. Both were a lot more filling than they look, and delicious too.
The best way to describe this cafe is hip. VENUE just exudes a vibe that is simultaneously welcoming and also too cool for you. The decor, as usual, is absolutely perfect. Unlike the other cafes, the atmosphere in this cafe is a bit darker, in a modern way. The geometric light fixtures say “cool” and the fur pelts draped over the back of the chairs say “come sit and stay forever!” Not only is this cafe incredibly cool, but it is also the number one restaurant in Prague on TripAdvisor, so you know you’re getting a good meal! All in all, a must visit when you come to Prague.

Coffee and Waffles
This place does exactly what it says in the title – coffee and waffles. And boy, are they good at it. See, when a cafe specializes in only two items, it gets really really good at them. The apple strudel waffle that I ordered was, and I say this seriously, the best waffle I have ever had in my life. No joke. The only con about this place is that the service takes quite a long time, the cafe being so popular, but I deemed it worth the wait.
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Have you ever been to Prague? What was your favorite cafe? Let me know in the comments below!