
More ways to unblogger your blog + a free blog template!

July 25, 2015

 Since the last one was so popular, I’ve decided to write a part 2 to the post, with even more ways to make your blog less Blogger-y (because the less Blogger-y it looks the better) and I’ve also included a free Blogger Template to use in which I’ve already done all of these things for you! Stay tuned to the end of the post for the free blog template!

1. Center your blog header

Go to Template > Customize > Advanced > Add CSS (this is at the very bottom) and paste the following into the box:

#header-inner {text-align:center !important;} #header-inner img {margin: 0 auto !important;}

Then click Apply to Blog and you’re done!


2. Center your post title and date header

Go to Add CSS once again and paste the following code into the box:

.post-title {
text-align: center;

.date-header {
text-align: center;

Once again, press Apply to Blog and you’re good!


3. Don’t use the Blogger about gadget

The default Blogger about gadget is really ugly, let’s be honest. You can easily fix this by making your own! Simply go to Layout > Add gadget, and choose the HTML gadget. Then you can use the simple text editor in the gadget editor to upload your own picture by first uploading your pic to a picture hosting site (I’d recommend and then using the HTML tag

<img src=”YOUR URL HERE” width=”YOUR WIDTH HEREpx” />

Replace YOUR URL HERE with the direct link of your picture, which you can find on the right hand side of your picture after you’ve uploaded it to Imgur and replace YOUR WIDTH HERE with the width of your sidebar (if you’ve forgotten what your width is go to Template > Customize > Change widths and check the width of your sidebar) in pixels.

Then simply type a short blurb underneath! This way, your picture is way bigger and nicer looking, and you can easily edit your blurb.

4. Center the pages gadget

Go to Add CSS once more and paste in the following code:

.PageList {text-align:center !important;} .PageList li {float:none !important; display:inline !important;}

Press Apply to Blog (you know this by now) and you’re done!


5. Remove the ugly border lines around the Pages Gadget

Yup, go to Add CSS (you know the drill by now) and paste in the following code:

.tabs-inner .widget li a, .tabs-inner .widget ul, .tabs-inner .section:first-child ul {border:none;}


6. Customize what goes in your post footer

The default post footer that Blogger gives you isn’t so pretty. Change it up if you want by adding and removing elements! How do you do that, you ask? Go to Layout and click the edit button in the bottom right hand corner of the Blog Posts gadget, then under Post Page Options you can check or uncheck the elements you want in your post footer, and rearrange their order and the bottom if you so wish!

Now if you’ve read this far I’m assuming you want the free blog template? It’s called “The Chimera Project” (I have no idea why I named it that) and it’s the first blog template I’ve ever made, so suggestions are very welcome! Click the picture below to download it!

Please be sure to read through the entire page so you know what you can and can’t do with the template and also how to install it. To download, click the pink “Download Link” button which should take you to a Google Drive file. On the top, there’s a bar with a little download icon in the center. Click that icon, and you’re done!

If you use the template please send me your url through a comment or my contact page!

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